“After climbing the mountain, you can finally enjoy the view.”
Many workers are vastly unprepared to exit the workforce. Consider these government statistics from recent surveys:
• 48% of households aged 55 and over have NO retirement savings
• 60% of households have never calculated how much they need for retirement
• The average American will spend 20 years in retirement
There are many factors that contribute to a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. We examine all of them for you.
Retirement lifestyle
We get a full picture of what you want your retirement to look like so we can make recommendations based on that, along with your financials.
Income replacement strategies
“Are you saving enough for retirement?” isn’t the right question. Savings are not as sustainable as a personal investment strategy. We develop one for you that will take over as a main revenue stream when your salary is no more.
Social Security optimization
Knowing when the ideal time is to start drawing social security can make a big difference. We analyze the options to help you choose the best timeline for receiving benefits.
We walk you through the process of signing up for the Medicare plan that fits you best when you become eligible.
Planning for healthcare costs
Healthcare costs, including long-term care, are often the greatest expenses during retirement. We give you a realistic picture of what you can expect and prepare you for them.
Pension maximization
If your company has a pension, we determine the best course for when to start collecting.
Relocating or buying a second home
Depending on which state you want to retire in, there are tax advantages or disadvantages, as well as cost-of-living considerations. We can help you compare.